Dinos Alive is a dinosaur exhibition featuring life-size animated replicas in an immersive Jurassic venue. Walk alongside the massive creatures that roamed our world millions of years ago! Travel back to the Jurassic in a thematic park full of realistic dinosaurs—see these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat! Come face to face with +40 specimens of life-sized, moving replicas: T-rex, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Velociraptors, and many more
Dive into the depths of the seas and interact with Jurassic sea giants in a unique virtual aquarium. Learn more about the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods in a fun and interactive way
Immerse yourself to the fullest with a captivating VR experience. Kids can enjoy a “Budding Experts” interactive space, where they can become paleontologists and tame the most iconic dinosaurs
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