Carmichael Beavers Swim Team

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Let`s have fun and “Swim On!”

Category: Swimming

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Winning is important, as individuals and as a team. It is not the most important part of being a member of the Carmichael Beavers Swim Team. We stress teamwork and sportsmanship, but most of all, self improvement. If we lose a meet, but most of the Beavers improve their time, we consider that a win. Self-improvement comes from hard work and good coaching. It is important to listen to the Coaches and apply what they teach. Whenever possible, help another teammate improve and the whole team improves.

We are a non-profit organization and depend heavily on Parent Volunteers. The more volunteer help we have at meets, the faster and easier the meets run. Because we are non-profit organization, donations and sponsorships are crucial in order to keep our fees low.

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