Golden Hills School

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Inspire. Enrich. Empower

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Golden Hills School is a fully accredited, private, non-profit school, offering complete academic programs for students in Junior-Kindergarten through Eighth grade. Golden Hills School is locally managed and controlled and not part of a corporate chain. Our philosophy is that the successful education of a child requires an equal partnership between students, their parents, and the school.

At Golden Hills School we are committed to nurturing and developing this partnership to ensure a superior educational experience for each of our students. Small class sizes, student self-discipline, excellent teachers, and parental involvement are the foundations on which Golden Hills School was established.

We believe in challenging each student at their ability-level, providing him or her with the opportunity to progress at his or her own pace.

Our academic program focuses on imparting a strong academic foundation, through small group, ability-based learning with differentiated instruction. Character education is a critical part of who we are as a community.

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