12 Fun Activities for Afterschool Programs That Will Keep Kids Engaged
August 23, 2024

Afterschool programs are essential activities for kids’ overall development, providing a structured yet flexible environment for growth outside of school.

Fun activities for afterschool programs are more than just time-fillers; they are investments in kids’ social, educational, and physical progress. By participating in a variety of physical, artistic, and educational activities, children can enjoy a wide range of benefits:

  • Physical Health: Engaging in active play and exercise improves fitness levels and promotes healthy habits that can last a lifetime.
  • Creativity and Expression: Exploring various art forms helps nurture imagination and develop fine motor skills.
  • Cognitive Growth: Taking part in educational activities enhances understanding and problem-solving abilities.

In this article, we will explore 12 exciting afterschool programs and fun educational activities designed to keep kids interested and involved. From energetic games like the Active Game Olympics to collaborative art projects such as Collaborative Mural Projects, these activities ensure that every child discovers something that sparks their interest.

We will also discuss sensory bins that provide tactile stimulation, kitchen chemistry experiments for young scientists, and the power of storytelling in developing language skills. Additionally, we’ll share some culinary adventures for those aspiring young chefs! Whether you’re looking for new ideas for fun activities or want to enhance your current afterschool programs for kids, this article has got you covered.

12 Fun Activities for Afterschool Programs for Kids

1. Physical Activities

Physical activities are crucial to any lively and fun afterschool programs for kids. They give children a way to release their endless energy and teach them about the importance of health and fitness. It’s not just about keeping kids busy; it’s about showing them how enjoyable it can be to move their bodies and stay active.

1.1 Active Game Olympics

The Active Game Olympics is an exciting event where children can take part in various high-energy activities that promote teamwork, coordination, and friendly competition:

  • Relay Races: Set up a series of relay races that challenge kids to work together. Use batons, balloons, or even costumes to add a creative twist.
  • Obstacle Courses: Design courses with hurdles, crawl spaces, and balance beams. These can be tailored to suit any age group and space.
  • Target Throws: Include games where precision is key, such as beanbag tosses or frisbee targets.
  • Long Jump: A simple sandpit can become the stage for aspiring long jumpers to test their leaping abilities.

This mini-Olympic event keeps children engaged and teaches them important lessons in perseverance and sportsmanship.

1.2 Outdoor Adventure Scavenger Hunt

The Outdoor Adventure Scavenger Hunt combines the excitement of exploration with a love for nature:

  • Nature Objects: Create a list of natural items, such as various leaves, rocks, or feathers, for children to find.
  • Photo Challenges: Equip teams with cameras to capture specific scenes or wildlife encounters.
  • Riddles and Maps: Incorporate riddles that lead to different locations or use maps for an added layer of adventure.

Children come back from scavenger hunts with more than just treasures; they develop a deeper understanding of the environment and the significance of physical activity.

Each activity provides an enjoyable way for children to discover their physical abilities while understanding the importance of working together and achieving personal goals. Educators and parents can ensure that kids continue to lead active lifestyles even after school by including these dynamic physical afterschool activities in their programs.

2. Artistic Activities

Artistic activities allow kids to express creativity and develop fine motor skills. Engaging in art creation can act as a soothing and relaxing activity, helping children unwind after a long day at school. It is not just about the result—the process itself can be incredibly beneficial, helping to build self-esteem, improve decision-making skills, and boost concentration.

2.1 Collaborative Mural Project

Creating a large-scale mural together with other students to decorate the school or community

A collaborative mural project can be an excellent artistic activity for after-school programs. This can involve all children coming together and contributing their unique ideas to create a beautiful piece of art that adds vibrancy to the school or community.

How it works:

  • Brainstorm ideas for the mural theme (e.g., “Unity”, “Nature”, “Dreams”, “Our Community”).
  • Sketch individual designs based on the chosen theme.
  • Combine these designs into one cohesive mural plan.
  • Work as a team to paint the mural on a large canvas or wall.

These fun activities for afterschool programs not only help them learn about color mixing, brush techniques, and composition but also foster teamwork as they work together towards a shared goal.

2.2 DIY Craft Workshop

A step-by-step craft workshop where kids can learn new techniques and make their own unique creations.

Another engaging artistic after-school activity is setting up a DIY craft workshop. This can range from creating personalized bookmarks, designing greeting cards, and making clay sculptures to building cardboard castles.

How it works:

  • Choose a specific craft project for each session (e.g., bookmark-making, card designing).
  • Provide easy-to-follow steps that children can handle independently.
  • Use inexpensive materials that are easy to find or recycle.
  • Show a sample and give a demonstration before starting the activity.

Crafting not only helps kids explore different materials and techniques but also allows them to express their creativity in tangible forms. The joy of making something with their own hands can give children a great sense of accomplishment.

Artistic and educational afterschool activities like these empower kids to tap into their creative abilities while having fun. It’s all about giving children the freedom to explore and create.

3. Sensory Activities

Sensory afterschool activities offer kids unique ways to engage with the world around them and participate in any educational programs. Children enhance their cognitive development by stimulating their senses and gaining a deeper understanding of their environment. Sensory play is not just fun; it’s a crucial aspect of learning that encourages exploration and discovery through touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste.

3.1 Messy Play Sensory Bins

A classic favorite in sensory after-school activities is the creation of messy play sensory bins. These bins can be filled with an array of materials to captivate children’s tactile senses:

  • Colored Rice: Simple yet mesmerizing, colored rice can be dyed using food coloring and vinegar. Kids love the feel of the grains slipping through their fingers.
  • Slime: Always a hit, homemade slime provides a gooey experience that can incorporate basic chemistry lessons.
  • Sand: A sandbox or individual sand trays allow for sculpting and digging, engaging the tiny muscles in children’s hands.

When setting up these bins:

  • Ensure variety in textures to keep things interesting.
  • Pair the activity with tools like scoops, tweezers, or funnels to develop fine motor skills.
  • Encourage imaginative play by adding themed items, such as miniature animals for a safari adventure or seashells for a beach scenario.
3.2 Scent Guessing Game

Engage children’s olfactory senses with a scent guessing game that challenges them to identify different aromas while blindfolded. This activity not only sharpens their sense of smell but also builds vocabulary as they learn new words to describe scents. To set up this game:

  • Gather various non-toxic items with distinct smells, such as citrus fruits, cinnamon sticks, coffee beans, or flowers.
  • Place each item into separate containers and label them with numbers to keep track.
  • Provide each child with a blindfold and let them sniff each container.
  • Ask them to describe what they smell and guess the item’s identity.

This can be turned into an opportunity for kids to engage in educational activities by discussing where each scent comes from or what it is typically used for in everyday life.

Sensory containers can further expand this activity:

  • Use sealed containers filled with aromatic herbs or spices.
  • Include textures within the containers for a combined tactile and olfactory experience.
  • Integrate storytelling by having scents correspond to different parts of a story being told during the activity.

Sensory activities like these are essential in afterschool programs as they provide educational opportunities for kids to learn through direct experience. They stimulate curiosity, foster cognitive growth, and support emotional regulation by offering calming or invigorating sensory input based on individual needs.

By incorporating these sensory experiences into an afterschool curriculum, educators create an inclusive learning environment that caters to diverse learning styles and preferences. Activities for afterschool programs are designed to be flexible, allowing for adaptation based on age levels or interests while ensuring that kids feel engaged and excited about exploring their senses.

4. Educational Activities

Educational afterschool activities are a great way to combine fun and learning for kids. They go beyond just keeping kids occupied after school and create an environment that sparks their curiosity, keeps them engaged, and nurtures a love for learning.

4.1 Kitchen Chemistry Adventures

The kitchen is full of amazing scientific discoveries waiting to be explored. With adult supervision, kids can embark on Kitchen Chemistry Adventures. In this exciting journey, they can learn about scientific concepts through hands-on experiments using everyday ingredients found in their kitchen.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano

One example of a fun experiment is the Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano. By mixing baking soda (a base) with vinegar (an acid), kids can witness a chemical reaction that results in an effervescent eruption – just like a volcano!

Making Homemade Rock Candy

Another interesting activity is making homemade rock candy to learn about the process of crystallization. Using only sugar, water, and a string, children can observe how sugar crystals gradually form over time to create delicious candy treats.

These educational activities not only make science more tangible and relatable but also give kids a sense of accomplishment when they see the results of their culinary creations.

4.2 Math Maze Challenge

Math doesn’t have to be boring or intimidating. It can be turned into an exciting adventure with the Math Maze Challenge. This activity involves designing a maze that incorporates math problems that must be solved to navigate through it.

Here’s how you can set up your own Math Maze Challenge:

  • Get a large piece of paper or cardboard and draw a grid on it.
  • Fill some of the squares with math problems suitable for your child’s age and skill level.
  • The objective is for kids to solve these problems correctly in order to find their way from the starting point to the finish line.

For younger children, you can include simple addition or subtraction problems. Older kids can tackle more complex challenges involving multiplication, division, fractions, or even algebra.

These fun activities for afterschool programs not only help improve math skills but also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It’s not just about finding the right answer but also using that knowledge to make decisions and choose the correct path in the maze.

4.3 Benefits of Educational Activities

These types of educational activities offer numerous benefits for afterschool programs for kids:

  • Reinforce concepts learned during school hours.
  • Show children that learning can be dynamic and enjoyable.
  • Foster a love for learning and exploration.
  • Encourage curiosity and questioning.
  • Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

By incorporating these activities into after-school programs, we can create a holistic learning experience that combines academic growth with personal development – all while having fun!

5. Storytelling and Language Activities

Storytelling activity and language development are closely connected when it comes to children’s intellectual growth. Engaging afterschool programs with a focus on storytelling can:

  • Encourage creativity.
  • Enhance language skills.
  • Foster an appreciation for literary arts among children.
5.1 Puppet Show Extravaganza

Creating their puppet show can be an exciting storytelling activity for children. This experience allows them to use their imagination and bring characters to life through colorful stories.

Here’s how you can organize a puppet show activity:

  • Give the children the freedom to create their puppet characters using materials such as socks, buttons, yarn, and fabric scraps.
  • Use a simple cardboard box as the stage.
  • Let them write their scripts based on prompts or ideas inspired by books, movies, or their imaginative tales.

Children can work in groups, assigning roles for:

  • Scriptwriting
  • Puppet designing
  • Voice acting
  • Handling the puppets for the performance

This not only promotes teamwork but also allows them to explore various aspects of storytelling and drama.

Example: A group of children might decide to write a story about ‘A Day in the Jungle’. They could create animal puppets and bring alive characters like ‘Larry the Lion’, ‘Ellie the Elephant’ or ‘Zara the Zebra’. Through their puppet show, they could narrate exciting adventures from the jungle.

5.2 Book Club Adventures

Forming a book club is another excellent way of promoting language skills and nurturing a love for reading among children.

Here’s how you can set up a book club:

  • Gather children of similar reading levels in small groups after school hours
  • Choose a book for them to read and discuss.
  • Rotate the book selection among different genres – fantasy, mystery, adventure – so that they get exposed to various writing styles.

During these book club sessions, each child can:

  • Share what they enjoyed about the book.
  • Talk about their favorite characters.
  • Ask questions or share thoughts on the story.
  • Take turns reading aloud passages from the book.

This not only boosts their confidence but also improves their public speaking and comprehension skills.

Example: For children who are fans of adventure stories, a book like ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson could be an exciting choice for the club. As they dive into the thrilling adventures of young Jim Hawkins, they get to:

  • Learn new words.
  • Understand complex stories.
  • Engage in interesting discussions about the plot and characters.

Incorporating storytelling and language activities in after-school programs can provide a fun and enriching learning experience for children. It’s a journey that takes them to magical places, introduces them to fascinating characters, and empowers them to create their own captivating stories.

6. Culinary Activities

Culinary afterschool activities are a delightful way to introduce kids to the world of cooking, helping them appreciate the diversity of flavors and textures that food offers. These activities not only cater to the taste buds but also serve as a hands-on educational experience, teaching kids about nutrition, food safety, and the chemistry behind cooking. Plus, they get to take pride in their creations. As they chop, mix, and season, children are also developing fine motor skills and learning to follow complex instructions—a tasty recipe for success.

6.1 Junior Chef Cook-Off

Imagine an afterschool kitchen bustling with young chefs, each eager to whip up their signature dish—it’s the Junior Chef Cook-Off! This friendly competition is perfect for showcasing culinary skills and encouraging teamwork among budding gourmets.

  • Plan and Prepare: Begin by selecting age-appropriate recipes or allow children to come up with their own. Ensure there are tasks for every skill level so that all participants can contribute.
  • Safety First: Teach kitchen safety and proper handling of utensils before the event. Each junior chef must understand how to navigate the kitchen safely.
  • The Competition: Divide into teams or have individuals compete in creating the best dish within a set time limit. Consider having themes like ‘Best Healthy Snack’ or ‘Inventive Sandwiches’.
  • Judging Panel: Have a panel of judges like teachers, parents, or older students—to taste and evaluate the dishes based on taste, presentation, and creativity.
  • Celebrate All Chefs: While there might be winners in different categories, celebrate every participant’s effort with certificates or small prizes.
6.2 Homemade Ice Cream Party

There’s something magical about making ice cream from scratch. The transformation from simple ingredients to a creamy treat is almost like a culinary magic trick. Hosting a Homemade Ice Cream Party is not just fun; it’s also an edible science lesson.

  • Simple Ingredients: Start with a basic ice cream recipe requiring only a few ingredients such as heavy cream, sugar, vanilla extract—and lots of ice!
  • The Science Bit: Explain how salt lowers the freezing point of ice and how this helps to freeze the ice cream mixture when shaken in a bag or churned in an ice cream maker.
  • Getting Creative: Encourage kids to customize their ice cream with mix-ins like fruit chunks, chocolate chips, or cookie crumbles.
  • Ice Cream Social: Once everyone has made their flavor, gather around to share and taste different creations. It’s not just about eating ice cream; it’s about sharing experiences and preferences.

Engaging in culinary after-school activities like these provides children with practical life skills while stirring their interest in new foods and cultures. They learn that cooking is more than just preparing food. It is an art form that involves all senses and can be incredibly satisfying.

Through baking projects for kids and ice cream-making sessions, children gain confidence in their abilities to create something from scratch. They’re also more likely to be open-minded about trying new foods when they’ve had a hand in making them.

As children progress through these culinary adventures, they carry forward not only fond memories but also valuable knowledge that will serve them well both inside and outside the kitchen.


A good mix of fun afterschool programs and activities for kids is essential for children’s overall development. It’s not just about keeping them busy; it’s about helping them develop social skills, emotional well-being, and a love for learning.

Parents, teachers, and program organizers can benefit greatly from implementing these fun after-school activities. Each activity has its own appeal and learning opportunities:

  • Physical activities like the Outdoor Adventure Scavenger Hunt provide excitement and exercise.
  • Artistic activities such as the Collaborative Mural Project encourage creativity.
  • Educational activities like Messy Play Sensory Bins and Scent Guessing Games promote sensory exploration.
  • Kitchen Chemistry Adventures and Math Maze Challenges spark curiosity and interest in science and math.
  • Puppet Show Extravaganzas and Book Club Adventures allow children to express themselves and explore their imagination.
  • Culinary activities like the Junior Chef Cook-Off and Homemade Ice Cream Party introduce children to new flavors and healthy eating habits.

To make these activities even more engaging, you can create a schedule or have a weekly theme. This adds structure and makes children excited about their after-school time every day.

For families looking for resources and activities tailored to their children’s needs, offers a comprehensive guide to events, deals, and fun things to do with kids near them.

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