4kids.com is an online resource guide for families with kids that was first established in Sacramento, California. To date, we have now expanded our coverage statewide. From Events, Arts & Music, Birthday Parties, Camps, Child Care, Classes, Deals & Discounts, Schools, Field Trips, Health Providers, Kids Eat Free venues, Places To Go, Things To Do For Kids, Sports, and for Special Needs children. It’s an easy-to-use online directory listing where you can find an array of resources for your kids.
Raising children is one of life’s most challenging and rewarding endeavors. As your local resource, information, and events for kids, we are honored to be a trusted partner on your parenting journey.
We’re busy parents, just like you. We juggle sports schedules with school events, drive-in carpools, and obsess over planning perfect birthday parties. We know your time is valuable, so having kid-friendly events and information in one place is important. Look no further! Make 4kids.com your go-to site for all things kid-related in your area.
4kids.com is run by local parents for local parents. Because we live and work in our respective areas, our readers get a local perspective on issues, news, and events specific to our region. As members of the community we serve, we bring the most relevant local parenting topics to our audience.
We strive to help parents navigate every phase of parenthood, from birth through high school, by offering compelling content on a wide variety of interesting topics, such as education, arts, child-care, party planning, and extracurricular programs. And when it comes to things to do, our extensive calendar offers a wide range of family-friendly events within our region and beyond.
We are very proud of our resource library for parents of children with special needs. This section was developed by parents with first-hand knowledge and experience in helping their children to reach their full potential. This section aims to support parents by encouraging proactivity and by providing guidance on available tools and support for their children.
Thank you for visiting 4Kids.com … we’re glad you’re here and are confident you’ll find our extensive local content useful. Please check back often for the latest news and information. Of course, the best way to learn about new content is through our complimentary email notifications. To sign up, simply go to our home page and provide your email address.