This article is provided for information only and is not be construed as an endorsement, as medical advice, or as a referral.…
Air travel with Autism can be a challenge. Preparation is key! Familiarizing your child with the airport and with as much of…
Special needs parents may discover that CalABLE or opening an ABLE account has investment answers for the financial security of a family…
Mindfulness during meltdowns of a child with autism [google_ads no=1]Meltdowns - Staying grounded in the midst of chaos is achievable. When a…
Parents who face a diagnosis of a child with autism may rapidly turn to the internet for information on autism spectrum disorder…
Mental Health and Stress Management Resources During Covid-19 Pandemic We are in the midst of the winter holiday season as we enter…
Autism and Law Enforcement Covid-19. Wildfires. Elections. A hurting economy. Distance learning. Travel bans. Hurricanes. There is so very much that we…
Technology and apps for kids with autism — a helpful guide for children with special needs. [google_ads no=1]Autism rates around the world…
Autism and face masks in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. A kid with autism is generally unlikely to wear face masks…
COVID-19 and autism - how children and teens with autism continue to struggle with emotional impact in the midst of the pandemic.…