Davis Ju-do Kai

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The Davis Ju-do Kai, a member of the American Judo & Jujitsu Federation (AJJF), has taught martial arts in Davis since 1964 and is an active sponsor and participant within the community. Sensei Lyle Najita is the current school head and has been training in Danzan Ryu Jujitsu since 1995 and martial arts since the age of 10.

The dojo has 600 square feet of work-out area – ideal for small classes and personal attention. Come take a look if you’ve ever been interested in learning a martial art. No experience necessary. No obligation to join, never any contracts.

Everyone is welcome to come learn this unique martial art. This style is accessible to all ages and abilities.

We are committed to the idea that all who come in our doors is Ohana, family. We strive to practice Kokua, help given without any thought of return. What makes this style different from some of the other martial arts is that we train in order to perfect our character. In essence, we are studying Judo, in the sense of “The Way of Gentleness”.

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