Tracy`s Karate & Martial Arts Studios

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Category: Classes|Martial Arts

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

At Tracy`s all students receive private instruction as well as unlimited group instruction in their martial arts training. This is done at a cost that is no greater than group lessons alone would be at other karate & martial arts schools. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is you can learn much faster with private instruction. Many people feel self-conscious in a group, especially when they are learning something new.

They do not want to look stupid if they make a mistake. This self-consciousness detracts from learning. With Tracy`s private instruction the student can concentrate better, without distraction from others watching. All of the student`s attention can be devoted to learning instead of worrying about what others will think of them.

The business professional with Tracy`s martial arts training exudes confidence in all situations. The college or high school student finds himself or herself walking tall, cognitive of their surroundings and aware of their persona.  Youth and younger children come out of their shells, not just to join their peers, but also to become their leaders.  The boisterous, hyperactive child becomes calm with assurance of their abilities.

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