Busy Bees Preschool, Inc

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The vision of the school is to nurture the whole child and to support their overall development. Opportunities for socialization, sharing, turn taking and being in a group setting all help the child`s social and emotional development. Our vision is for children to feel comfortable in our care, to treat others fairly and be aware of other`s feelings.

We promote loving values by striving to create a sense of community and belonging where we care for our neighbors. Our program is planned to include gross and fine motor activities to support the physical development of the child. They need opportunities to practice skills over and over to master them and move to the next level.

We also have teacher led activities to help refine these skills. We want to challenge children, encourage a questioning mind and support cognitive growth. Inside free play and outside free play allow children the freedom to explore and try out new ideas. Building with blocks, solving puzzles, scooping, pouring and measuring are all experiences that help to develop a questioning mind, a mind that asks questions and solves problems, that tries different ways of doing things until a solution to a problem is found.
Finally, by modeling kindness and love we strive to support a child`s spiritual growth. Teachers model respect and love by their interactions with other staff, parents and children.

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