Waza Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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Healthy, Happy, Smart

Category: Classes|Martial Arts

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Waza BJJ`s children`s program teaches the art and science of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu to kids 4 to 16 years old. We offer a variety of classes based on age and skill level. Our motto for Waza BJJ`s children`s program is “Healthy, Happy, Smart.”

Healthy: Kids have a natural proclivity for grappling. How often have you seen your children wrestling on the floor of your living room? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu provides a great way to channel that energy into something productive and rewarding. Classes at Waza BJJ combine the basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with fun and exciting skill-oriented exercises and games to improve their gross motor skills, coordination, strength, flexibility, and agility.

Happy: Although the stresses children encounter may be different than adults, they can be significant and lead to anxiety and depression. Jiu Jitsu provides greater confidence and self-esteem, which is essential for children who are shy or don`t fit in to their environment, which can often lead to being bullied. We teach our kids to be assertive but not aggressive when dealing with conflict/peer pressure situations.

Smart: We teach our kids the qualities and skills that sharpen their mental and emotional capacity and help them throughout their entire lives. Jiu Jitsu is very intellectually stimulating and is often described as “physical chess.” Kids learn intricate techniques that increase mental development and accelerate learning in various aspects of their life. Jiu JItsu also nurtures a child`s emotional quotient. Kids develop better sportsmanship, character, and improved social and interpersonal skills, including respect for adults and their peers.

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