Apogee Sacramento

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Apogee Sacramento, a Christ-centered academy in Folsom, offers a unique approach to education for students Pre-K through 5th grade. Students learn on campus four days a week with a mixed-age, project-based, whole child approach focusing on academics, identity in Christ, social-emotional health, self-confidence, nutrition, and physical fitness.

Our program is inspired by the best elements of Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Charlotte Mason, and engaging with the timeline of history and the Bible using memorable songs and Socratic discussions. We emphasize hands-on, self-driven learning, concept mastery over grades, and minimal technology use. Classes have small ratios (15-20 students maximum) with dedicated teachers and strong parent engagement. Students can be charter enrolled or registered as a PSA, and medical freedom is welcome. Monday through Thursday 9:00a – 2:30p

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