KAAJ Healthcare

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A Multi-Specialty Healthcare Group

Category: Pediatrician

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

Welcome to KAAJ Healthcare – A Multi-Specialty Group headquartered in the Bay Area, providing dedicated and caring healthcare services to residents of Santa Clara, Alameda and San Benito Counties of Northern California.

KAAJ Healthcare is an organization of highly qualified healthcare professionals providing primary and specialty care.

KAAJ group consists of multiple physicians providing superior care across different fields of medicine and transforming cardiovascular care. Our physicians are board certified in: Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases, Vascular Medicine, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Family Medicine, Pediatrics and Obstetrics/Gynecology.

At KAAJ, we take pride in being able to attend to our patients’ needs and our primary concern is their health and well-being. We are constantly striving to promote medical sciences and its advancement through involvement in standards, formulation of health policy and guidelines for improvement of quality care.

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