Encouraged Hearts Christian Preschool

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TK Enrichment beyond the classroom

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We firmly believe that children are phenomenal learners and that “Kindergarten readiness” doesn’t end with knowing your letters, numbers and shapes; but that social development, friendships, and a sense of trust and belonging is crucial to your child’s learning and being “ready” for that next step into Kindergarten.

While we work hard to teach your children recognition and phonetic sounds of their letters so they can eventually build words, and to recognize and count numbers, they want to touch, see, taste, smell and hear the environment around them. All of their play is a learning experience that teaches them about God, people, and how the world around them interacts through cause and effect.

We work on a letter, a number, and a theme each week full of sensory play, math, dramatic play, language arts, parachute play, science, rhymes, stories and songs.  We believe learning should be fun and taught in a variety of ways to develop each child’s individual skill set.

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