Creative Care

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Creative Care is a large family home child care facility licensed by the state of California. We provide quality daycare in a warm and loving home environment. As well as providing exceptional care for children enrolled in our facility, we work hard to maintain positive communicative relationships with parents to ensure your child care needs are met.

We are located in Lodi near Vinewood Elementary school in a clean and safe neighborhood. At Creative Care, the licensee and all employees work as a team which gives us the advantage of being able to tend to the specific needs of different age groups. We are able to provide preschool curriculum, learning, and activities to older pre-k children, as well as interact and entertain younger children and infants. Healthy, nutritious meals and snacks are provided daily to help children grow and stay energized. Throughout the day, kids are able to take part in group play, story time, structured crafts and activities as well as independent and free play.

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