At Happy Hearts Preschool, the staff sees themselves as partners with parents in the education of the child. Therefore, at Happy Hearts we want to be a team working together so that your child can acquire an excellent Christian education and be one step closer to being the perfect servant that God wants him or her to be.
The daycare programs are planned to minister to each child’s interests and needs and to foster the development of certain abilities, attitudes and skills which will assist the child’s educational development. At Preschool, the most natural way for a child of his age is to learn through play, by observation and by doing things themselves.
This learning will be flexible in order to cater for the interests, needs and abilities of the children.
Many people still remain unsure as to just what Preschool is all about. Preschool is about the development of important skills – those which are needed in everyday living, in relationship with other people, and in being ready for school. We strive to have each child working to his or her full potential, in all areas, and to have them feel good about themselves, and the prospect of school.
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