Zion Lutheran Church

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A Family Integrated Church

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Zion Child Care Center & Preschool provides full and part time care. The program provides a loving, Christian environment designed to be developmentally appropriate for children 6 weeks to 5 years old that are not attending Kindergarten yet.

Preschool programs are based upon the principles of developmentally appropriate practice.

Our goal is to give each child a warm environment that encourages the development of socialization skills, independence, and positive self-image. Our experienced teaching staff embraces the view that each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing of social, physical and intellectual development.

Teachers manifest their respect for each child by encouraging them to think for themselves, to make decisions, to work toward their own solutions, and express their own ideas and feelings. We recognize and foster an active partnership between home and school. Zion Child Care Center is designed to assist parents in guiding each child in the ways and instruction of our loving God.

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