Yattiyr Hybrid School

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Category: Homeschool

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Yattiyr ISEE Christian School is a God-centered, non-profit private school located in in the heart of Old Towne Pasadena, California.

But it’s so much more than that.

Yattiyr is the Hebrew word for “excellence”, the term used to describe Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, young men who remained faithful to God during Israel’s exile in Babylon. Despite the fact that these men were foreigners, they were considered “ten times better” than the best native leaders of the time (Daniel 1:20). Why? Because they were equipped and prepared to rise above every challenge in their lives through a firm foundation of faith built on encounters with God.

It was the desire of several parents to see Yattiyr rest on their children, but they knew it could not be found in traditional school systems. So, they decided to homeschool their children, knowing that joy and peace would come from instructing them in the ways of the Lord. What they didn’t know was that there were others who felt the same way.

But it wasn’t long before God brought them together in late 2009. Working in His amazing and mysterious ways, He led four families to one another, families with one common goal: To raise fearless children eager to make an impact for God. The dialogue began and grew until it became very clear that God had joined them to found a very special, very unique school. Through the grace and leading of the Holy Spirit, Yattiyr ISEE Christian School opened its doors in September 2010 to 17 students ranging in grades K through 7.

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