Robinson`s Taekwondo - Rocklin

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Founder Clint Robinson left the U.S. Air Force after serving his country including duty in Taiwan and South Korea.  There he discovered the positive values and healthy fitness benefits derived from training in Taekwondo. Upon returning to the United States, Grandmaster Robinson`s family came west to settle in Sacramento, CA where he opened his first training school at 24th and Broadway.

Founded in 1975 on the principles of teaching excellence, personal attention and tradition. For more than 35 years, Robinson’s Taekwondo has provided the most complete and effective methods to reach your full potential.While self-defense techniques are often the first thought in choosing Taekwondo as a martial art, most students quickly discover the healthy fitness, positive attitudes and mental sharpness that come from physical training.  Both adults and children benefit by controlling weight and increasing strength, endurance and flexibility while gaining confidence from achieving greater respect for themselves and others.

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