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More Art. Less Waste

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ReCreate collects safe, clean, unbelievably cool—but unwanted—items from local businesses, diverting over 70 tons of material from landfill each year. We stock our ReUse Store and EcoArt Studio. At our ReUse Store, knitters, crafters, teachers, costume-makers, scrap-bookers, and holiday-decoration enthusiasts can find an array of exciting goods for their projects, all at “pay-what-you-can” prices! Visitors to our EcoArt Studio, where we hold drop-in hours, scheduled classes, camps, and birthday parties, get to use our supercool diverted materials for their creations.

You may see our colorful, can`t-miss-it Rolling ReCreate truck at fairs, festivals, or special events held by local businesses such as IKEA or Whole Foods. We provide materials (diverted, of course) and tools for a free, on-the-spot art experience. Our fun facilitators, armed with glue guns and boundless creativity, can bring out the artistic genius in anyone.

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