Sacramento HoopDance

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Category: Classes|Dance

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

Originally debuting as Bloom Hoops / in 2007, we evolved to in early 2012. Created & operated by Allison Miler (a.k.a. Allisone Light / Allisone 360) in Sacramento and serving the surrounding areas of Northern California, she brings her passion for dance and the sacred circle to her community through weekly group classes, private one-on-one & group lessons, parties, performances, commUNITY spin jams, and creating hand-crafted custom hoops filled with crushed crystalline guides.

During her weekly classes, her wonderful mother and talented hooper, Theresa assists @ Carmichael monday night classes. At McKinley Park,  she teaches with rotating Teacher`s Assistants,  students with an extra large passion for sharing the hoop love. She is so grateful for their assistance, support, and love.

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