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Helping Families Grow Healthy Children

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

Beanstalk center based programs are designed to meet the developmental needs of children. Programs provide experiences that support and enrich children’s thinking, language, social/emotional, physical, and creative abilities.

Positive self-esteem is fostered through planned activities and adult interaction that is responsive to individual differences in ability and interest. Opportunities are provided for children to decide what they want to do and adults encourage children’s learning and help them to expand their knowledge base. Time for solitary play, as well as group activities and indoor/outdoor play is provided. Adaptations are made to accommodate for differing abilities.

Curriculum is implemented to help children learn to value and respect diversity. Celebrations and/or traditions of different countries are often studied. Parents are encouraged to share their own family’s cultural traditions. Children are given opportunities to experience materials and activities that reflect the community and the cultures of the families enrolled in the program.

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