Ivy Griffin Therapy

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Theraphy for Kids,Teens and Adults.

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Do you worry that you’re “too sensitive,” too easily overwhelmed or that “you need to toughen up”? You might feel like there’s something wrong with you. Maybe you’ve been down-in-the-dumps or maybe this worry is feeding into depression and anxiety. Did you know you might be a Highly Sensitive Person? I specialize in working with adults, kids and teens striving to understand and thrive with their sensitivity to have happier, more fulfilled lives.

If we decide to work together, I’ll be right there with you as you work on growing, learning new tools and moving past your pain. You’ll have someone in your corner–fighting through the struggles, challenging you when you need to be nudged (or maybe pushed), and offering kindness and caring throughout the whole process.

At Ivy Griffin Therapy, we love helping kids, teens and their families! Both myself and Arielle Grossman, MFT Registered Intern, specialize in working with kids and teens through the struggles of life.

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