Miss Kathy's Child Care

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High Quality Child Care in a Home Setting

Category: Child Care|Preschool

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

My Child care home is based on the belief that each child has a unique personality with their own individual needs. Our day consists of meeting those needs. I provide a rich environment with a wide variety of learning materials. All of this takes place within the safe and comforting walls of a home. There are many areas and centers for each child to explore and  discover new things daily. 

My child care philosophy is, the belief that helping children to  grow into productive citizens, friends, neighbors and future parents themselves is the most important and rewarding job there is.Knowing that each child is  a unique person  and helping them to discover their full potential in every area of development is the task at hand.

My home and my day revolves around each area of a child’s growth and development.

I have centers set up to cover every area of a childs developmental needs and plenty of space and time for what children learn best from, PLAY!   I give  each child the time and space for self discovery and discovering the world around them through personal experiences. They learn best by doing.  I provide lots of hands on activities.

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