UCP of Sacramento and Northern California

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Life Without Limits for People with Disabilities

Category: Special Resources

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

We give kids and adults with developmental disabilities the tools and support to live a life without limits. UCP gives adults and children with all types of developmental disabilities the chance to grow, thrive and feel included.  Through our programs and services, we offer individuals hope, confidence and promise.

At UCP, we take pride in the accomplishments of the individuals we work with, no matter how big or small. Each day, we make it our goal to provide them with the chance to discover a new skill, overcome a challenge or simply experience the pride of being included.

It`s exciting. It`s rewarding. It`s amazing!

Programs & Services:

“UCP was founded by parents in 1955 who wanted their children with cerebral palsy to live at home and be a part of community.  Today, their vision lives on for all children and adults with developmental disabilities. 51% of our clients have autism, 34% intellectual disability, 9% cerebral palsy and 6% Down syndrome, epilepsy and other disabilities.

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