Sacramento Challenge Sports - Sacramento

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Where Ability Knows No Bounds

Category: Special Sports

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

Challenge Sports provides a safe environment for all of our players at each venue where we host our programs. Because Challenge Sports does not allow for parents/ guardians to drop off their children during our events, there is always at least one parent/ guardian in the gym or on the field at all times.

Asa 501(c) (3) Nonprofit, our volunteer organization provides year round team sports for school age athletes with developmental and/or physical disabilities. We offer soccer, basketball, bowling and trampoline in a safe, fun and positive environment.Players learn basic skills in an athletic environment structured to their abilities while also learning valuable social skills working as a team.  Our goal is to include kids, no matter their physical or developmental challenges, who otherwise would not be appropriate for inclusion in a typical sports league or club.

The Challenge Sports Directors believe we all want the same basic things:  To be treated with kindness, to have the same opportunities to enjoy life, and to be regarded with respect and dignity.

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