Beansprouts Preschool

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Preschool that feels like home!

Category: Preschool

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

Children learn through their play by exploring, problem-solving, self-initiating, making decisions, watching, feeling, and engaging in reflective conversation. They learn through their play because play is meaningful to them. Children must have hands-on interaction with material, because in order for information to reach the child’s brain, it must first go through the hands. Children learn best when taught in a way that honors their developmental capabilities.  A variety of experiences support various styles of learning.

Our approach draws from many prominent early education philosophies. We incorporate a Reggio Emilia style when we create classroom environments that invite self-initiated learning and when we build on our learning through projects, dialogue, and group experience.  Thematic curriculum solidifies experiential learning as knowledge deepens and becomes real.

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