Organically Montessori

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Category: Child Care|Preschool

Rating : No Reviews Yet ( 0 Reviews )

I believe in strong home-school partnership contributes to the success of the child. At such a young age, classroom should be an extension of their home. At home, children feel safe and protected, and that feeling should mimic in the classrooms. It is very important to meet each child and parents before s/he starts attending school. Discovering a child’s background through the parents like their culture and religion will best help teachers understanding where the student is coming from.

Keeping constant communication is important as well in the success of the student as the weeks pass by during the school year. The parents for Organically Montessori students will receive an ongoing email or text throughout the year to keep them posted on all the academic and social development that is going on in the classroom. They will be able to respond to our emails and texts if they have any questions or comments about their child.

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