We are in the midst of the winter holiday season as we enter the tenth month of the coronavirus pandemic. Coping with mental health and stress management are among the issues that we need to deal with during the Covid-19 pandemic. For many, especially the special needs families and students across the country, schools, programs, and services came to a screeching halt and have not resumed. In many areas, students with special needs have been cooped up at home every day, and those living in group homes have not gone out or seen their loved ones in almost a year.
While it’s not uncommon to feel worried, lonely, or sad about the potential bleakness of the holiday season, knowing you’re not alone doesn’t make us feel better. It’s important during this time to monitor your physical, mental health, and stress management, as well as the health of your special needs children.
Children with special needs may experience more intense distress, worry, or anger, as they have less control over day-to-day events happening all around them. Often, children with special needs are keenly tuned in to the emotional state of people around them. This makes them a bit more sensitive and vulnerable to the negative effects of stress.
Below you will find, in no particular order, a great list of resources for mental health and stress management, as well as that of your children. Each listing has a general heading or title to tell you what it’s for. Search for your area of need, or check out all of these resources. There’s no better time than the present for taking care of your family’s mental health.
Top 10 ideas to support a child with autism during covid
Supporting children with autism with routines and schedules during covid
Helping kids with autism understand covid
Focusing on well-being
Helping children and teens cope with traumatic events
Coping with life changes due to covid
Supporting children and teens during this holiday season
Helping families cope with covid
Ready to use tools for parents
Addressing the death of a loved one (Covid specific)
Resources for emotional support (plus hotlines)
A comic for kids to help explain covid
A video for explaining how the holidays are affected by covid
Reducing child’s stress through mindfulness
Identifying self-defeating thoughts and replacing them
Helping children cope with emergencies
Surgeon General’s playbook for stress management
Dr. Joshua Gordon: Looking after your mental health during covid
Mental health access team Sacramento
Dept. of Health Sacramento County: Managing Mental Health
Sacramento County Public Health dashboard
Quarantine and isolation information Sacramento
Crisis line: Text 741741
Suicide prevention lifeline: 800-273-8255
Disaster & distress helpline: 800-985-5990
Public Health Hotline: 916-875-2400 (Sacramento)
Text TalkWithUs to 66746
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Keri is a special needs parent and a veteran high school English and journalism teacher turned writer. She enjoys reading, hiking, gardening, cooking, traveling, wine tasting, and practicing yoga. Both she and her son love to create art. She has a passion for educating people on all things autism. Visit her blog at https://kerimehome.com.
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