Home School – The decision to have home school students is not the same for every family. In fact, there are a wide array of reasons parents and guardians choose this alternative educational option. Folsom Cordova has life-long home school students and families who just need a break and plan to re-enter.
Middle school, in particular, can be very traumatic for some kids. Those that have anxiety or suffer because of a bully can find our program a safe haven to heal. When a student has social or emotional needs that are not being met, it is almost inevitable for their academics to suffer. And truly, one-size-fits-all education simply does not work for all children.
The parents or guardians of home school students are considered the student’s primary educator; therefore, the parent stays home with the student to devote the 3-5 hours a day (depending on the grade level) to complete the lessons and evaluate their student’s work. Parents/guardians also assess their kids to adjust the pacing of the lessons using a variety of instructional strategies.
Students are expected to complete work and show progress towards mastery of the standards. They should be covering all four core subjects (English, Math, Science, and Social Science).
Folsom Cordova’s fully credentialed, highly qualified Educational Consultants serve as an advisor to their homeschooling families and provide them with an appropriate curriculum which pairs well with the student’s learning style.
The Educational Consultants specialize in specific grade bands (TK through 2nd grade, 3rd grade through 5th grade, and 6th grade through 8th grade). Folsom Cordova feels it is vital to the academic progress of their students to have their Educational Consultants trained in the specific needs of the students at their grade level.
Educational Consultants create Educational Learning Forms (ELF) with detailed lesson plans, curriculum, and resources for a 10 school day cycle. Every two weeks, the parent/guardian brings their child to the campus to meet for one hour with the Educational Consultant where the student submits work samples and has their progress assessed.
Folsom Cordova Community Charter School has a beautiful campus located in Mather, CA where they offer engaging workshops every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They offer monthly field trips and have an Enrichment Stipend for students each semester. Folsom Cordova also has an annex in Folsom for parent/student/teacher meetings.
Folsom Cordova is a free, public homeschool for families looking for an alternative form of education for TK-8th grade. Folsom Cordova believes the decision to home school your child offers more choices and flexibility to chart your own educational course.
The Folsom Cordova Community Charter School engages in weekly workshops for students and parents. With a staff of fully credentialed teachers, Folsom Cordova supports every child to ensure they reach their full potential. They look forward to working with each child, their parents, and the community to provide a high-quality educational experience.
Together, through teamwork and collaboration, Folsom Cordova can create amazing opportunities and experiences for all of its home school students.
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